Together for Peace in Colombia

Oslo. October 15 from 11 a.m to 5.15 p.m

Oslo. October 15 from 11 a.m to 5.15 p.m

Autor:  FOCUS, Norwegen

Next week, the Colombian government and FARC-EP will meet in Oslo to try to find a solution to one of the world’s oldest armed conflicts. Large parts of the Colombian population have lived under a dramatic humanitarian situation for decades; five million people have been forced to flee their homes, the majority of them women.

Violations of basic human rights and international humanitarian law have been part of everyday life for Colombians. Tens of thousands of women have been victims of sexualized violence. The conflict also affects civil society organizations. Thousands of leaders and activists in the unions, indigenous people’s organizations, women’s organizations, among students, journalists, and in human rights organizations have been persecuted, harassed and killed.

We, the human rights and humanitarian organizations working in and/or for Colombia, believe that the conflict can only be solved through dialogue. We are encouraged by the announced peace talks to be facilitated by Norway and see them as an important step on the path towards peace.

We invite you all to show your support for the peace talks and the peace building work in Colombia by meeting up at FREDSHUSET, Møllergata 12, 7th floor, Oslo. October 15 from 11 a.m to 5.15 p.m

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