Bogotá, 6 June 2019 The international civil society organisations that form part of the platform Space of Peace Cooperation (Espacio de Cooperación para la Paz), which is committed to peacebuilding and a negotiated end to the armed conflict in Colombia, are launching an international information and awareness campaign for peace in Colombia. The campaign “International […]

Bogotá, 6 June 2019

The international civil society organisations that form part of the platform Space of Peace Cooperation (Espacio de Cooperación para la Paz), which is committed to peacebuilding and a negotiated end to the armed conflict in Colombia, are launching an international information and awareness campaign for peace in Colombia. The campaign “International community – emergency call for a Colombia in peace” is a large-scale campaign that is simultaneously launched across Europe and the Americas.


The aim of the campaign is to influence the United States, European and Latin American governments, as well as the European Union (EU), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the United Nations, to ensure they continue their work in support of peace, the enforcement of International Humanitarian Law and respect for the work and the life of persons and organisations working for peace and human rights. The objective is to ensure that the Colombian Government complies with the Peace Accord signed with the FARC-EP and resumes the peace talks with the ELN.

How we are going to do it:
From today until the end of November 2019, through social media, the press and in the streets of many European, Latin American and US cities, we will be sending messages, share information, organise acts of solidarity, make public declarations and advocacy actions in the decision-making forums of the UN, the OAS and the EU Parliament.

read full press realease: 31052019 Press realease Launch of Campaign_June 6

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