PBI Colombia – Annual Report 2015

This report shares the work that PBI has done throughout 2015, through the Field Teams in Apartado, Barracabermeja and Bogota, and by the Project in the areas of advocacy, International representation, communications, training, psychosocial support and fundraising. Click here to read on https://pbicolombia.org/2016/04/29/annual-report-2015/ pdf: https://pbicolombia.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/160429-annual-rp-2.pdf ISSUU https://issuu.com/pbicolombia/docs/160429_annual_rp_1

This report shares the work that PBI has done throughout 2015, through the Field Teams in Apartado, Barracabermeja and Bogota, and by the Project in the areas of advocacy, International representation, communications, training,
psychosocial support and fundraising.

Click here to read on


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