Against all Odds: The Deadly Struggle of Land Rights Leaders in Colombia

Today the US Office on Colombia published a report on the dramatic situation of land rights leaders and associations of displaced communities in Colombia.

US Office on Colombia

Today the US Office on Colombia published a report on the dramatic situation of land rights leaders and associations of displaced communities in Colombia. Against all Odds: the Deadly Struggle of Land Rights Leaders in Colombia documents the cases of 20 land rights leaders that were assassinated during the Santos administration s first year in office and the multiple threats, attacks and stigmatizations that such leaders face. The report states that many of the assassinated leaders had requested protection measures from the Colombian government, in some cases on several occasions, but the measures were never implemented or were denied.
The report concludes that if the Colombian government is serious about ensuring the return of displaced communities within the framework of the Victims law, an effective, comprehensive and workable protection plan must be in place to guarantee a safe and sustainable return for the communities and their leaders.

[ilink url=“/downloads/againstallodds_USOC_land_rights.pdf “ style=“download“]link zum download Englisch: [/ilink]
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