Press release: European Parliament Peace Colombia

Oidhaco supports MEP call for formal dialogue between Colombian government and ELN Brussels, March 30, 2015. The European Network International Office on Human Rights Action Colombia (Oidhaco) supports the following request made by MEPs; “the Colombian government and the ELN must begin formal negotiations; otherwise, Colombia will not be on the way to the end […]

Oidhaco supports MEP call for formal dialogue between Colombian government and ELN
Brussels, March 30, 2015. The European Network International Office on Human Rights Action Colombia (Oidhaco) supports the following request made by MEPs; “the Colombian government and the ELN must begin formal negotiations; otherwise, Colombia will not be on the way to the end of armed conflict and will continue to suffer the effects of the war with its high number of victims”, said Christiane Schwarz – Chair of the Board of this network of European organisations.
Indeed, Wednesday March 25, MEPs from different European political groups (ALDE, EFDD, GUE/NGL, GREEN/ALE and S&D) called upon the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the ELN commanders to “make swift progress to begin an official dialogue”.1
The letter welcomes progress made in the ongoing process taking place in Havana between the Colombian government and the FARC as “humanitarian gestures that have been made by both parties towards reaching the end of the armed conflict”. The letter highlights the support of the European Parliament and many European countries for the current process and states that the signatories are sure that “a dialogue with the ELN will be accompanied by similar support”.
At the end of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, MEP Ramon Jauregui, President of the European component of that meeting, welcomed the progress achieved in the current process and also issued a “call for broadening the dialogues to the ELN and hopes that the ongoing negotiations culminate soon in a definitive agreement endorsed by Colombian society”.2

1. Letter attached.



To read MEPs letter:

Carta al Presidente Santos y a los representantes del Comando Central del ELN INgl

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