oidhaco newsletter July-September 2013

Peace Dialogues - A year after their announcement, the negotiations are moving forward, but with little transparency and a lack of civil society participation

peace dialogues, massive protests and their criminalisation, extractive industries: oidhaco newsletter July-September 2013

autor: oidhaco

The newsletter contains the following sections:

–    Peace Dialogues – A year after their announcement, the negotiations are moving forward, but with little transparency and a lack of civil society participation

–    Massive social mobilisations and criminalisation of social protest
o    Social demands
o    The response of the Colombian State to the mobilisations

–    Extractive industries and human rights

–    Colombia and international human rights mechanisms: the adoption of the UPR report and concern over the Colombian government’s attitude to facing the International Criminal Court and other mechanisms

–    Continued increase in killings of human rights defenders and multiple threats against them
o    Threats and attacks related to mining activities

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