Umweltrechtaktivist*innen weltweit verfolgt – Global Witness Jahresbericht

Kolumbien mit 24 Morden an Dritter Stelle. The world is deadlier than ever for land and environmental defenders, with agribusiness the industry most linked to killings It has never been a deadlier time to defend one’s community, way of life, or environment. Our latest annual data into violence against land and environmental defenders shows a […]

Kolumbien mit 24 Morden an Dritter Stelle.

The world is deadlier than ever for land and environmental defenders, with agribusiness the industry most linked to killings

It has never been a deadlier time to defend one’s community, way of life, or environment. Our latest annual data into violence against land and environmental defenders shows a rise in the number of women and men killed last year to 207 – the highest total we have ever recorded. What’s more, our research has highlighted agribusiness including coffee, palm oil and banana plantations as the industry most associated with these attacks.

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