Umwelt- und Menschenrechtsaktivisten im Projektumfeld von Hidroituango-Staudamm ermordet.

Eilaktion von Amnesty International URGENT ACTION ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENDER KILLED, OTHERS AT RISK A member of the Ríos Vivos (Living Rivers) Movement was killed on 2 May, the same day that the group carried out an all-day march against the Hidroituango hydroelectric project in Antioquia, Colombia. Members of the movement fear further reprisals. On 2 May, […]

Eilaktion von Amnesty International


A member of the Ríos Vivos (Living Rivers) Movement was killed on 2 May, the same day that the group carried out an all-day march against the Hidroituango hydroelectric project in Antioquia, Colombia. Members of the movement fear further reprisals.
On 2 May, unknown assailants killed Hugo Albeiro George Pérez, 47, a member of the Association for Victims and Individuals affected by Megaprojects (Asociación de Víctimas y Afectados por Megaproyectos, ASVAM), part of the Antioquia Ríos Vivos Movement (Movimiento Ríos Vivos Antioquia, MRVA). Two armed men on motorcycles shot him twice while he was in a café in Puerto Valdivia in northern Antioquia, resulting in his death. Hugo George’s nephew, Domar Egidio Zapata George, 23, was also killed during the course of the attack.
These events took place the same day as Ríos Vivos organized an all-day demonstration. Around 160 people gathered to express their concerns over flooding and the risk of avalanches in their communities. According to media reports, heavy rain blocked a tunnel built by the Hidroituango hydroelectric project. This blockage caused an increase in water levels that, according to the Ríos Vivos movement, has affected at least 45 families and could affect many more in upcoming days if the blockage is not swiftly removed.

Hugo George has publicly opposed the construction of the Hidroituango hydroelectric project. He began demanding compensation for affected families in 2013 after the construction of a road connecting the dam with Puerto Valdivia impacted their land and their farming activities.
People from the Ríos Vivos movement told Amnesty International that despite police presence after Hugo George was killed, authorities did not restrict access to the crime scene, and the body was moved without forensic protocol being followed. They also denounced that the governor of Antioquia and the Antioquia police denied that Hugo George was a leader from their movement in public declarations. In previous occasions, regional authorities have publicly delegitimized the Ríos Vivos movement. The Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for the collective Prevention and Protection plan for Ríos Vivos members, have reportedly been in contact with organizers, but have not taken any specific steps with respect to the implementation of a comprehensive collective protection plan.
Please write immediately in Spanish or your own language:

  • Requesting that authorities conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the killing of Hugo Albeiro George Pérez taking into account his role defending the rights of communities affected by the Hidroituango hydroelectric project, and that all those found responsible be brought to justice;
  • Calling for full and immediate implementation of the collective Prevention and Protection Plan for members of the Ríos Vivos Movement;
  • Demanding that they take immediate steps to overcome the structural causes behind the threats, killings and attacks faced by human rights defenders in the context of the Hidroituango hydroelectric project.


Attorney General Nestor Humberto Martinez Fiscal General de Colombia Diagonal 22B No. 52-01 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia Email:, Salutation: Dear Attorney General/ Estimado Señor Fiscal

Ministry of Interior Guillermo Rivera Flórez Ministro del Interior Calle 12 B No. 8 – 46 Bogotá D.C, Colombia E-mail: Salutation: Dear Minister/ Estimado Señor Ministro
And copies to: Movimiento Rios Vivos Antioquia E-mail:

Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below: Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date

Download Text: AMR2383602018ENGLISH

Colombia: Further information: Yet another environmental defender killed
10 May 2018

In less than a week, two members of the Ríos Vivos (Living Rivers) Movement have been killed in Antioquia, Colombia. The lives of other Ríos Vivos members are at risk as they continue demonstrating against the Hidroituango hydroelectric project.

Further Information: AMR2383842018ENGLISH



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