Seit fünf Jahren inhaftiert: Menschenrechtsverteidiger David Ravelo

23 September 2015 Joint Declaration International organisations express their concern on the fifth anniversary of the detention of David Ravelo Crespo, a prominent Colombian human rights defender. 14 September 2015 marked five years since the distinguished human rights defender, David Ravelo Crespo, member of the Regional Corporation for the Defense of Human Rights (CREDHOS) from […]

23 September 2015

Joint Declaration

International organisations express their concern on the fifth anniversary of the detention of David Ravelo Crespo, a prominent Colombian human rights defender.

14 September 2015 marked five years since the distinguished human rights defender, David Ravelo Crespo, member of the Regional Corporation for the Defense of Human Rights (CREDHOS) from the city of Barrancabermeja (Colombia) was detained. Non-governmental organizations and international networks again hereby reiterate our concern over the lack of due process in this case which resulted in a condemnatory sentence of 220 months imprisonment….


Abogados sin Fronteras Canadá

Acción de los Cristianos para la Abolición de la tortura (ACAT-France)

ASK! – Grupo de Trabajo Suiza Colombia

Asociación de Solidaridad con Colombia Katio (ASOC- Katio)

Associació Catalana per la Pau

Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales

Christian Aid

Colombia Solidarity Campaign, UK

Comunidad Cristiana de Base Sto. Tomás de Aquino – Comisión Ética Madrid


Colombia Human Rights Committee

Colombian Caravana UK Lawyers Group – International Delegation of Lawyers / Grupo de Abogados del Reino Unido de la Caravana Internacional de Juristas

DIAL – Diálogo Interagencial en Colombia

Front Line Defenders

Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

InspirAction España

International Action for Peace

Justice for Colombia

Justicia por Colombia España

kolko – Menschenrechte für Kolumbien e.V.



Observatorio para la Protección de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos (Organización Mundial contra la Tortura – OMCT y Federación Internacional para los Derechos Humanos – FIDH)

Oficina Internacional de Derechos Humanos –Acción Colombia (OIDHACO)

Parliamentary Friends of Colombia

Pax Christi International

PBI – Peace Brigades International – Proyecto Colombia

Protection International

Rete Italiana di Solidarietá Colombia Vive!

SoldePaz Pachakuti

Taula Catalana por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos en Colombia

United Steelworkers

War on Want

Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)

To read Joint Declaration: 150922 Comunicado OINGs 5o aniversario detencion David Ravelo Ingles

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