Peace Community San José de Apartadó: concern on legal action against community and threats

In a letter to the Inter-American Comission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court on Human Rights signed by more than 70 civil society organisations, they express the concern on threats aganist the peace community of San José de Apartadó and a legal action (tutela) presented by the Commander of the 17th Brigade of the […]

In a letter to the Inter-American Comission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court on Human Rights signed by more than 70 civil society organisations, they express the concern on threats aganist the peace community of San José de Apartadó and a legal action (tutela) presented by the Commander of the 17th Brigade of the National Army of Colombia against the peace community. The tutela alleges violation of the rights to honor, reputation and privacy of the military personnel.

Human Rights organisations think, that the further admission of the tutela would severly affect the right of the community to freedom of expression and therefore for human rights defenders to do their important work.

See full letter in english and spanish:

181106 Letter to IACHR and CorteIDH Peace Community of San José de Apartadó.pbi

181106 Carta a CIDH y CorteIDH Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó

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