HRW Jahresbericht zur Menschenrechtslage 2022: Kolumbien

HRW hat in seinem Jahresbericht 2022 über die Menschenrechtslage in der Welt den Fall Kolumbien untersucht. Der Bericht dokumentiert verschiedene Menschenrechtsverletzungen, von den Übergriffen bewaffneter Gruppen auf Gemeinden bis hin zu den unzureichenden gerichtlichen Maßnahmen gegen Übergriffe der Polizei bei den Protesten nach 2019.

Human Rights Watch


HRW Jahresbericht  zur Menschenrechtslage 2022: Kolumbien

HRW 2022 balance topics:

  1. Abuses by Armed Groups
  2. Violations by Public Security Forces
  3. Violence Against Human Rights Defenders, Other Community Leaders
  4. Peace Negotiations, Negotiated Disarmament, and Accountability
  5. Internal Displacement, Reparations, and Land Restitution
  6. Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Migrants
  7. Gender, Sexuality, and Gender-Based Violence 
  8. Economic and Social Rights
  9. Technology and Rights
  10. Climate Policy and Impacts
  11. Key International Actors 

„Armed groups continue to commit serious abuses against civilians, including killings, child recruitment, and rape, especially in rural areas of the Pacific region and along the Venezuelan and Ecuadorian borders. Security forces and judicial authorities have failed to effectively protect the population, ensure victims’ access to justice, and prosecute and dismantle the groups…The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reported 60 “massacres,” defined as the intentional killing of three or more civilians in a single incident, in 2022, as of October.“

Foto: © HRW

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