Feign peace, reinvent the war: Human Rights Platforms analyse first year of Duque Administration.

The apprentice of the enchantment. Feign peace, reinvent the war and privatize the public realm, compiles analysis, observations, testimonies, chronicles, photographs and cartoons of sixty authors -people and organizations-, who take stock of the first year of the “Government Administration of legality, entrepreneurship and equity”1 , from diverse perspectives and with a human rights approach. […]

The apprentice of the enchantment. Feign peace, reinvent the war and privatize the public realm, compiles analysis, observations, testimonies, chronicles, photographs and cartoons of sixty authors -people and organizations-, who take stock of the first year of the “Government Administration of legality, entrepreneurship and equity”1 , from diverse perspectives and with a human rights approach.

Throughout its 472 pages, one single desire calls for so many observations and shared experiences: to offer frames of reference for a critical reflection regarding Colombia, where the government Administration of Iván Duque Márquez intends to reinvent the war and privatize the public realm while pretending to be making peace. The five chapters contained in the report are all articulated around this paratext: (1) an analysis of the situation of Colombia in the international context; (2) an assessment of the characteristics of the political regime and the alliances to undermine the Rule of Law; (3) A balance on the deconstruction of peace, including the lack of implementation of the Peace Agreement, the evolution of the conflict in the country´s regions and the rypture of the negotiations with the ELN2; (4) the inquiry regarding the significance of rights in the National Development Plan “Pact for Colombia, pact for equity 3 4”; and (5) a rigorous study on the situation faced by people and organizations working for peace and human rights in Colombia.


Full report (in Spanish): 190925_El_Aprendiz_del_Embrujo_sm2

Executive summary (in Englisch): 190917 executive summary Apprentice Enchantment

Executive summary (in Spanish): 190917 ResumenEjecutivo ESP Aprendiz Embrujo

Infographics (in Spanish): 190925 El Aprendiz infografias

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