Factsheet zur Militärgerichtsbarkeit (engl.)

Autor: oidhaco In March 2013, the Colombian government presented a statutory bill to regulate the constitutional reform to militariy juristiction. The bill reverses the logic of international humanitarian law (IHL), converting it into a permissive instrument and protecting the state security forces (SSF) from justice, when the purpose of IHL is, by contrast, to set limits […]

Autor: oidhaco
In March 2013, the Colombian government presented a statutory bill to regulate the constitutional reform to militariy juristiction. The bill reverses the logic of international humanitarian law (IHL), converting it into a permissive instrument and protecting the state security forces (SSF) from justice, when the purpose of IHL is, by contrast, to set limits to war and to protect, in particular, civilians from its effects.
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