Amnesty-Petition „Protect ethnic communities from violence and abuse in Colombia“

(c) AI Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities are still suffering violence and abuses by armed groups, and it needs to stop now. Despite the signing of the Peace Agreement in November 2016, the armed conflict has intensified in some areas of Colombia- especially in the Chocó area on the pacific coast of Colombia. The violence is getting […]

(c) AI

Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities are still suffering violence and abuses by armed groups, and it needs to stop now.

Despite the signing of the Peace Agreement in November 2016, the armed conflict has intensified in some areas of Colombia- especially in the Chocó area on the pacific coast of Colombia.

The violence is getting worse, as massive displacements, confinement of communities, land mines and selective killings of Human Rights Defenders are continuing to happen. This has left in its wake an appalling toll of victims – disproportionately effecting members of Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities.

The government needs to develop and implement urgent measures to guarantee the collective protection of indigenous and Afro-descendant collective territories in areas of armed conflict in Chocó.

If we pressure the government to act now we will help ensure that the Peace Agreement moves forward and that Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples from el Chocó are ensured their protection and participation in peace-building efforts.

Sign the petition and demand that the Colombian Government:

  • Develop and implement urgent measures to guarantee the collective protection of indigenous and Afro-descendant collective territories in areas of armed conflict in Chocó, having as the main input consultation with their leaders and representative organizations.
  • Provide effective and timely protection measures to Afro-descendant and Indigenous leaders in Chocó assuring their participation throughout the process.
  • Move forward urgently with the implementation of the Peace Agreement especially with the items related to the rights of victims of conflict and ethnic communities.

Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples have a right to be protected against violence and abuse, sign and share now.

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