Body Shop kündigt Handelsbeziehung zur Unternehmensgruppe Daabon wegen Landkonflikt in Las Pavas.

kolko e.V. Dies kündigt das Unternehmen in einer öffentlichen Erklärung an, die in der engl. Zeitschrift Observer und im kolumbianischen „El Tiempo“ zitiert werden. In Deutschland sind Rapunzel, Allos und Alnatura Abnehmer von Palmöl der Daabon -Gruppe. Die 123 Familien, die auf Betreiben einer Daabon Tochter von dem Land geräumt wurden, auf dem sie seit […]

kolko e.V.

Dies kündigt das Unternehmen in einer öffentlichen Erklärung an, die in der engl. Zeitschrift Observer und im kolumbianischen „El Tiempo“ zitiert werden. In Deutschland sind Rapunzel, Allos und Alnatura Abnehmer von Palmöl der Daabon -Gruppe. Die 123 Familien, die auf Betreiben einer Daabon Tochter von dem Land geräumt wurden, auf dem sie seit Jahren Nahrungsmittel für Eigenbedarf und Verkauf angebaut hatten, konnten bisher weiter nicht zurückkehren. Anbei die Erklärung von The Body Shop.

The Body Shop
Statement about Las Pavas
September, 2010

In late 2009 The Body Shop was made aware of a local land rights issue in Colombia, involving a Consortium linked to our supplier Daabon. The dispute in Colombia centred on a piece of land purchased by the El Labrador Consortium in 2007, in the area of Las Pavas, Colombia. The Body Shop has no trading relationship with the El Labrador Consortium, however Daabon is associated with it.
Whilst The Body Shop has never sourced any ingredient from the land in question, The Body Shop and Christian Aid jointly commissioned an independent report into the dispute, in order to establish the facts of the case. The independent report was published in July 2010 and clearly highlights the complexity of the case on-the-ground. The local community in Las Pavas claim the land was rightfully theirs, while the Consortium maintains that they acted in good faith when purchasing the land.
Following receipt of the independent report, The Body Shop provided Daabon with details of specific areas where cooperation and engagement by the Consortium could help positively resolve some of the difficulties. Having provided Daabon with sufficient time to put these steps in-place, The Body Shop has reviewed progress to-date and, whilst we understand that they are making efforts in a complex situation, since a systemic and long-lasting solution is no nearer to being reached despite our engagement, The Body Shop has formally terminated its trading relationship with Daabon.
Jan Buckingham, The Body Shop International Values Director says:

“Following receipt of the independent review, we provided Daabon with a series of recommendations to reach a systematic solution for the benefit of Las Pavas community and all parties involved in the dispute. We acknowledge that Daabon have changed their processes for future developments but we are disappointed that the situation in Las Pavas remains unresolved. Having made all efforts to exert our influence to improve the situation, we have decided that the best course of action is to terminate our relationship Daabon.”

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